Electroluminescent foil/wire distributors in europe

Looking to purchase some EL in the EU? This is a run down of a bunch specifically a search for German distributors. If I missed something please let me know. I am still looking for details on variable luminance EL foil (meaning, being able to dim).

industryshop.at (too expensive so i didn't detail, but store has a good collection of lighting solutions)
zigan dislays
leuchtfolie.net (larger collection of other luminous options)

Foil Multi-contact:
provides the benefit that many smaller displays can be created by cutting out pieces (with the extra contacts).
* el-light a5/a4 = 24/44€
* zigan a4 = 75€

Foil single contact:
inverter costs 6eu to 25eu
* el-light a6/a5/a4 = 8/15/25€
* el-technik a5/a4 = 40/70€ (20 for inverter)
* zigan a5/a4 = 28/55€
* leuchtfolie a5/a4 = 30/45€

* el-light 0,9/1,4/2,2/5,0mm = 7/7/7/9€ per meter 3-10€ for inverter (1.5m kit 12eu)
* el-technik 2,3mm 9€ per meter (25 for inverter)
* smart-inspiration 2,3/2,5/3,2/5mm = 5/6/6/7€ (inverter 10€)
* coolneon 2,5bright/2,3norm/5mm = 6/3/7€ (inverter 10€)
* el-kabel 1,2/2,3/2,5/3,2 = 6/6/6/6€ (inverter 15€)
* leuchtfolie 2,3/2,5/3,2 = 6/6/6€ (have all the contacts)

Flat stripes:
* el-technik 6,5/11/22/50/100/150mm = 15/22/40/80/125/165€ per meter (around 25 for inverter)

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