The farse of the WEF

This is my attempt to link and make this article more important in Google ;). Martin Varsavsky presents arguments for why the the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the Young Global Leaders forum does not deserve the respect it currently garners. He claims that as he served in the YGL the founder took steps to prevent members from organizing . I'd be interested to hear this discussed more. He presents a rather solid argument.

The result is high turnover and general unhappiness among peopleassociated with Klaus Schwab. In the 5 years I attended the WEF over80% of the employees who were at WEF resigned or were fired.

WEF is known for promoting democracy and economic growth around theworld. Inside WEF however, any attempt made by communities to selforganize in a democratic fashion is met by strong resistence from KlausSchwab.

I became one of the board members. Klaus Schwab´s response? In a quickcoup d´etat Klaus Schwab fired all GLTs [Global Leaders of Tomorrow], all 500 of them, and created anew community, the Young Global Leaders or YGLs

Moreover Klaus appointed his daughter to run the Young Global Leadersin order to prevent self organization to ever happening again.

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